Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Keep Seeing My Friend's Birth Year

Why do I keep seeing my friend (who I am in love with) birth year numbers? It's always 1997 or 1 , 97. His Birthday is [date removed] It's constant. When I'm purchasing something. In a book I am reading. An address I just happen to look up an notice. It's all the time. He's worried about it as if it's a bad omen because he will be 23 this year but I think it means something good.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
When you notice your friend's birth year, month, or day number you notice that it is an aspect of your friend's birth date. That's why you remember seeing it.
Other numbers you see during the day aren't remembered. But numbers with special significance for you get more of your attention when they are seen. Extra attention when a number is seen makes it more likely that seeing the number will be remembered.
The Starting to See Certain Numbers Again and Again article has information that may help understanding. And also Why You See Certain Numbers All the Time.
Note that traditional numerology has no calculations for omens or what people might consider to be good or bad.
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