Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

1111,1212, 2121, and 2222

I have been seeing number combinations like 1111,1212, 2121, 2222 every single day for almost a year now. I don't know what to make of it but it seems that I started to see this after I got in contact with an old friend from 20 years ago. His date of birth happens to be on the 12 of May. It just seems that those number combinations are trying to tell me something and won't stop until I "get the message".

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Wondering what the meaning is of seeing certain numbers seems to make it more likely they're seen again. Until you have an acceptable answer to the mystery, you can expect to continue seeing the numbers again and again.

Reasons why people start noticing that they're seeing certain numbers can be as varied as the number of people doing the seeing. While numerology doesn't have specific calculations to reliably discover the personal reason why, it can provided meanings for the numbers.

Use the meaning of any number tool. It can respond with the meanings of the numbers your seeing.

The birth date of your friend may have been a catalyst for noting those numbers. The birth date has numbers in common with your numerology chart.

May, the fifth month, has in common the number 5 of your life path.

12, the birth day, has the digits 1 and 2. Your current pinnacle cycle (years 2009 through 2017) is the number 1. Both your destiny and your heart's desire numbers are represented by 11/2. The number 11 is a master number. When the number is reduced, it reduces to the number 2.

With all that attraction, there's much reason to notice the numbers you're seeing. But the frequency of seeing them probably is related to the mystery or question you have about it, which tends to bring your conscious attention to the numbers whenever they're available in your environment.

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