Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Always 11 and 13 in All Sorts of Ways
I always see the numbers 11 and 13 in all sorts of ways, but that's a given. I became close friends with a girlfriend of one of my friends and her favorite number is 38. After knowing that, I started noticing it everywhere as well, along with my numbers 11 and 13. For example, everyday on license plates I will see 138 or the time will be 11.38, 3.18, 13.38, etc. And also on games I play the score will be 3.8, etc. I notice these number sequences more often recently, though after falling out with this friend we're no longer talking to each other.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number 11 and the number 13 are numbers in your birth date. The number 11 is also your current life period cycle.
Those are likely to have been sufficient attraction for you to notice them when they were present in your environment. The numbers were familiar and you noticed them.
When you wondered if seeing the numbers has special meaning for you, you started seeing them even more often. Read the Why People See the Same Number All the Time article to find our how that works.
When the digits of the number 38 are added together, the total is 11, which may have made the number more attractive than it would otherwise have been.
Seeing it more often than you considered normal, and wondering what the meaning is, caused you to notice the number still more often.
Seeing a number often doesn't mean other numbers aren't also in your environment just as often. But you see primarily the numbers you're wondering about.
See the article mentioned further above. It was written to provide some answers for people like you who keep seeing certain numbers again and again.
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