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I See My Birthdate Numbers Everywhere
First of all that name is not my birth name. I was adopted at 2 months old and that name was given to me then. I have no idea what I was called before that. My question is this. I see my birthdate numbers everywhere. 10/19. I see that number in some form at least a few times a day. I'll look at the houses I'm driving past and that will be the first house number I see. I'll check the time and it's exactly 10:19. I turn on the TV and some form of 10 and 19 pop up for some reason. It started happening a few months ago and is so noticeable and frequent that I have begun to think it means something. I've been going through some pretty significant life changes lately - not sure if that's relevant. Thanks.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
A few things are happening or about to happen in your numerology chart.
They're all related to your birthdate. Which may be the reason your conscious attention is drawn to those numbers when they exist in your environment.
Before talking about the relevant aspects of your chart, I'll mention the basic meaning, the essence, of the numbers 10 and 19.
The number 10 is a number of potential. It's independent, a starter, and it alone determines which or how much of the potential to manifest. 10 exists as itself, with an urge to explore new ideas and new approaches to familiar ideas.
The number 19 is both a starter and a finisher. It's self-determined. While there is attention on the welfare of the human race, the number's energy determines for itself what it will and will not do for humanity. 19 takes the initiative and gets things done.
Your numerology chart has three aspects that recently have experienced, or soon will experience, a transition.
Your pinnacle cycle changed near the beginning of this year, 2014. There are four pinnacle cycles. You transitioned from the second, which resonated to the number 6, to the third cycle, which resonates with the number 8.
The pinnacle cycle timing and their numbers are calculated from the birthdate. The previous pinnacle cycle number 6 brought maternal feelings and energies of home and harmony. The current pinnacle cycle number 8 brings energies of building something lasting, material acquisition, and organizing groups of people for accomplishing pre-determined goals.
Your personal year number this year is 9 (a number of completing things) and next year, 2015, will be the number 1 (a number of starting things). Notice how the energies of those two numbers resonate with the energies of the numbers you are seeing.
Your power number will become influential during the first quarter of year 2016. The influence of the power number becomes noticeable about mid-life and remains with the person until the move to the next plane of existence.
Your power number is the number 3, a number of creative expression. Your activities and goals are likely to be infused with creativity.
Things are changing in your life. According to your numerology chart, they're changing for the better.
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