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Seeing and Hearing My Birthday Number Everywhere and Anywhere

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I see and hear my birthday number everywhere and anywhere everyday. What does it mean? Is it a good sign?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It is a sign that you recognize your birthday number as being significant for you or having special meaning to you. That's why you see it and hear it.

Certainly, you see and hear many, many numbers during the course of a day. Your birthday number you give special attention to — you recognize the number as special when you see or hear it. That is why you remember it and not the other numbers.

Because it is the only number you remember seeing and hearing, it seems to you that you see and hear your birthday number everywhere and anywhere.

It's a memory situation. The numbers you see and hear that you give special attention to are the numbers you remember seeing and hearing. The ones you don't remember don't exist in your memory, only the ones you remember exist there.

If you wish to see what energy your birthday number represents and what it may mean to you, see the Birth Day Number article and use the Birth Day Number Reading calculator.

It is a special number, so it's no surprise that you remember seeing and hearing it when it happens. Many people remember it when they recognize their birthday number.

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