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Seeing Birthday on Clock Almost Every Day

Hi. Lately I have been seeing my birthday on the clock like almost every day. My birthday is 10/11. It doesn't matter if it's morning or night I see it. Can you please tell me what this means if it has meaning at all? This has just started happening and I'm very curious.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Because it is your birthday, you're likely to be predisposed to noticing the numbers when they occur in your environment — especially if you've seen them in the past and are wondering why you keep seeing the numbers.

A mystery such as wondering why you're seeing certain numbers tends to make you see the numbers more often.

Your numerology chart destiny number is the number 10, even though it's read as the number 1 (the 0 having no specific influence in this case).

Your numerology chart personality number is the number 11.

Both the destiny and personality numbers are calculated from your name. With your birth date numbers also occurring in the name positions of your chart, it provides more attraction to those numbers.

Like is attracted to like. Your conscious attention is attracted to numbers that have special meaning for you.

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