Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
3 and Multiples of 3
It seems like recently the number 3 or multiples of three are popping up all over. For a while I even woke every morning in the 3 am's. this past weekend as we were headed home after a night out, I looked at the screen on the car's electronic display & between the trip #, the temp outside, etc, in fact at least 4 or 5 of the display numbers were a 6, 66, or 16. The screen was filled with 6's. Just in case this info is pertinent, the other parties in the car. [identification of two people removed] What does it mean when the number 3 & multiples keeping popping up?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Something unmentioned in your question but that you no doubt noticed, is that there were 3 people in the car.
The number 3 represents, among other things, the first stable base. It takes at least three points to keep something from tipping over. Examples are a tripod and a 3-legged stool.
Many stable couples have at least one additional companion – a pet, a child, an intimate friend, a strong identification with a group or belief system, a business that's a big part of their lifes – something to stabilize the 2-person partnership.
3, 6, and 9 are the numbers of the three numerology triads. The first triad is 3 (1-2-3), the second 6 (4-5-6), and the third 9 (7-8-9).
The essence of the number 3 is inspirational, tolerant, optimistic, and has lots of creative expression.
The essence of the number 6 is idealistic, home and family oriented, and requires harmony for a peaceful existence.
The essence of the number 9 is idealistic, tolerant, compassionate, and a humanitarian.
An idiosyncrasy of the triad numbers if that any numbers composed entirely of the triad digits (33, 36, 933, 69, 99, 63, 369, 93, etc.), when reduced to a single digit always results in a triad digit.
(Reducing a multi-digit number to a single digit is adding together the individual digits of the number. If the result is more than 9, add together the digits of the result. Keep doing that until the result is a single digit.)
3+3 = 6 9+3+3 = 15, 1+5 = 6 6+3 = 9 6+9 = 15, 1+5 = 6 9+9 = 18, 1+8 = 9 3+6 = 9 3+6+9 = 18, 1+8 = 9 9+3 = 12, 1+2 = 3
By the way, your heart's desire number is 3 (calculated from the vowels of your name). The total value of the vowels is 66, which is reduced to its single digit representation, 3, for heart's desire interpretation:
6+6 = 12, 1+2 = 3
These 2 articles are about the heart's desire number.
The first vowel of your name resonates with the number 3. It represents a heart expression, in this case expression related to enthusiasm and creativity.
Not that it means anything, just an observation, your name has 1 letter with the value 3 ("u"), 2 letters with the value 6 ("o"), and 3 letters with the value 9 ("i" and "r"). The first triad is 1-2-3. The triad numbers themselves are 3-6-9. An interesting coincidence.
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