Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Birth Year on a Penny

I live in an old home which we are renovating. We've been digging up the yard. I was going to the mail box a day later. I looked down and saw a penny. I live in Australia. Pennies are no longer our currency. I thought we must have dug it up when we were digging around in the garden. When I looked at the date it was my birth year. Next was a receipt and at the top was my birth year. Walking down the road, on a car number plate my birth year. All this in two days. It all felt a little odd.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, I'm certain it did indeed feel a little odd. Likely, you've seen your birth year in more places during the time from when you asked your question and when this response is published.

There is some correlation in your numerology chart.

Let me first mention that seeing your birth year on a coin that's no longer official currency and found unexpectedly could set up a mental mystery.

A mental mystery can be set up by an event that makes a person seriously wonder if it contains meaning or it feels like it should contain meaning, yet the meaning is elusive. The subconscious kicks in and directs your conscious awareness to things related to the mystery.

Thus, the receipt number and the car number plate both would have contained your birth year whether or not you noticed them. But you did notice them and in that way deepened the mystery.

The reason I said earlier that you've likely seen your birth year on more places since then is because the deeper the mystery, the harder the subconscious works to direct your attention to things related to the mystery.

Realizing it's a mental mechanism can break the binding force of the mystery setup.

Now, about some correlation in your numerology chart.

To find the underlying or base meaning of a multi-digit number, it's reduced to a single digit. To do the reduction, the digits of the multi-digit number are added together. If the result is a multi-digit number, the digits of the result are added together. The process is repeated until the result is a single-digit number.

The reduced number of your birth year is the number 5.

Your third life period cycle, which will begin during the year of your 60th birthday, also is the number 5.

Further, your destiny number is 5.

With the number 5 at those two important numerology chart positions, you're likely to be predisposed to noticing your birth date when it's present in your environment — even without a mental mystery setup — but less imperative without the mystery.

Knowing all that, a mental mystery related to seeing your birthdate in unexpected places is less likely to form. And any that do should be easier to break out of.

Understanding dissolves mysteries.

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