Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing Certain Numbers Everywhere

Why do I see certain numbers everywhere now?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
It is because you remember seeing them. Of all the numbers you see everywhere, every day, generally it is only those certain numbers that you remember seeing.
When you remember seeing certain numbers it seems as if those are the only numbers you are seeing. But it's a little bit different than only seeing. The actuality is that, yes, you do see those numbers, along with many other numbers. What makes it seem special is that only those certain numbers are remembered.
So, why would a person remember only certain numbers? Because they are notable for that person.
A number is notable when there is something about the number that you recognize as being somehow different than other numbers you are seeing.
A number may be notable because it contains personal meaning, like a birthday for example. It may be notable because there is emotional significance attached to the number, like the number of dolls a child may have had, for example. It may also be notable because of how the number is constructed, the arrangement of the individual digits, like 1234, for example.
When a number resonates with a specific number of a person's numerology chart, that may be enough nudge for a person to remember seeing the number, especially if the number also has another notable characteristic.
When a number is notable, it is more likely to be remembered.
When the same number is noted and remembered several times, a person may wonder why they keep seeing that same number. Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again talks about that.
Now, when a person wonders about something, they invest that something with an emotional significance.
When what they wonder about is why they keep seeing a certain number, then they invest emotional significance in that particular number. And from that point on, they are much more likely to remember seeing the number whenever the number is in their environment and available to be seen. See Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time for more details.
After all that explanation, it comes down to this. You see those numbers because you remember seeing them. And you remember seeing them because there is something notable about the numbers.
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