Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

2:35 Every Night

I wake every night and when I look at the clock it is always 2:35 AM. What does this mean??

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There may be a noise or other disturbance that occurs every night about that time. Perhaps a neighbor's alarm clock or telephone, or a newspaper delivery service.

Now that you've attuned yourself to the time, your subconscious may be waking you at that exact time. Some people can consciously tell themselves to wake in the morning at a certain time. The subconscious may provide a similar service for you, assuming you'll want to be awake at that time because you always are.

The numerology number 235 is a number of starting something and being self-sufficient, but with cooperation from at least one other person and with some creative self-expression.

I don't see 235 anywhere in your numerology chart. So let's take the two clock time numbers separately.

The numerology number 2 has to do with teamwork, relationships, diplomacy, and intuition. The only major position I see the 2 in your numerology chart is as a challenge number.

The numerology number 35 is about creatively and efficiently building something that will benefit others for generations to come. I don't see 35 at any major position of your numerology chart, either. So let's reduce the number like other numerology calculations are done.

The number 35 reduces to 8 (3+5=8). The numerology number 8 is at two major positions of your numerology chart, the destiny and the heart's desire.

The numerology destiny number describes the person's primary characteristics. The numerology heart's desire number describes what a person truly desires to obtain or accomplish in life.

The essence of the numerology number 8 is realistic, business-minded, and strives to build something efficient that will last a long time.

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