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Seeing 711 Every Day Since My Birthday

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Ever since my birthday 07/11, I've been seeing 711 every day. Either on the clock, or driving through town I'll see 711 everyday multiple times a day. I've gone through a lot recently with a breakup just before my birthday and that same woman lingering in my life today. I feel like it means something that I see these numbers everyday but I can't figure out what the universe is trying to tell me. Please respond.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I understand it can be disconcerting when you see a certain number repeatedly and don't know why. But there is a good reason for it, a reason that applies to virtually everybody that sees a number repeatedly over a long period of time.

First of all, realize that you see many different numbers during the course of a day.

Out of all those numbers, the number 711 is the one you remember seeing.

A person remembers seeing a certain number when that number is somehow noteworthy. A number is notable when it is associated with personal meaning or emotional significance. For some people, the arrangement of digits within the number makes it notable.

When a number is notable, it is mentally noted or noticed. The noticing is an extra mental effort not given to other numbers and makes it likely that seeing the number will be remembered.

711 is your birthday. When you first saw that number, it is highly likely that you noted that the number matches your birthday. And so you remembered seeing the number.

Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again describes that in greater depth.

So that happens several times. It seems like that's the only number being seen because that's the only number the person remembers seeing.

After a while, a person tends to wonder why they keep seeing the number.

When there is a wonder about it, emotional significance is invested. And that makes it more likely that it will be remembered whenever that number is seen. Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time talks about that.

What that all comes down to is that you noticed and remembered seeing your birthday number. And that the most likely reason you're seeing the number 711 so often is because you wonder why you're seeing it so often.

If you're curious what the 711 means in numerology, the number 711 "meaning of any number" calculator talks about the energy represented by 711.

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