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3:16 On the Clock Every Day for a Year

I've noticed for about a year, every day I keep looking at the clock at exactly 3:16. It's whenever I am awake, so either in the morning or in the afternoon. My birthday is also March 16th so I don't know if its just a connection with my birthday or something. Its getting really weird though.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, I'm certain the clock time reminds you of your birthday when you notice it.

After seeing a certain time repeatedly, a person is likely to wonder, even if just fleetingly, whether or not it means something special or if it contains a personal message. That sets up a mystery.

The mind feels compelled to solve mysteries it encounters. It tends to make you notice the object of the mystery even more often, like there's a magnetic draw of your attention. The why people see certain numbers all the time article talks about how it works.

An additional resonance of the number 3 is found in your chart as your heart's desire number and also as your first life period cycle number. Like tends to attract like. So that may be another reason you're seeing 3 so often teamed with 16, because 16 is also associated with your birth date.

The solution to the mystery can be simply that 3:16 is familiar to you because it's your birthday. And seeing familiar numbers tend to be remembered more than other numbers.

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