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The Message in 2:21
I keep looking at the clock at 2:21 all the time everyday I need to know the message in this. Please. Thank you!!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I can let you know the essence of the clock time 2:21 and the number 221. What the message is must be determined by you.
The essence of 2:21 and 221 is sensual relationships and expression of personal freedom. The number 221 resonates very well with your destiny number 5, almost identical vibrations, except 221 contains elements of teamwork and relationships where 5 does not.
The number 2 has to do with relationships, teamwork, and companionship.
The number 21 is a number of artistic expression, again with elements of teamwork and relationships.
The common theme through each of those numbers – 2, 21, 221 – is relationships and teamwork. That's the influence of the number 2. The number 1 is at the end of two of the numbers, thus has only a little influence with its essence of independence and self-sufficiency.
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