Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Mirrored and Repetitive Numbers
Hi! I have been wondering about sequences of mirrored numbers or repetitive numbers that I see a lot, like a LOT: 11:11 of course, but also 9:11, 21:11, 12:21, 21:21, 13:31, 14:41, 15:51, 17:17, 5:55 and many more. Is it a message? Or does it mean I'm regressing (mirrored numbers)? (I searched for any question with these specific numbers but couldn't find any, that's why I'm sending my question =) ) Thank you!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
As you know, numbers are all around us. When we start noticing a certain number, or category of numbers as in your case, and we believe or wonder if there's something unusual about seeing them, then we're likely to notice them even more.
The more interesting you find them, the more you notice them.
The more mysterious it seems, the more you notice them, and the more similar numbers seem to pop up, which are then also seen repetitively.
If a person starts to think there must be a personal message or otherwise feels it's imperative that the reason is discovered, then the person is likely to notice every instance of every relevant number that's available to see in their environment — and find themselves gravitating toward environments with more of those numbers in them.
There may be a personal message associated with you seeing those particular numbers. It's not something numerology can determine with acceptable certainty. See the index to repetitively seeing certain numbers for articles related to personal meanings and personal messages.
Your life path is represented by the number 7. It means you're likely to encounter mysteries off and on your entire life. You probably also rather enjoy it, most of the time. You're intelligent, a great analyser, and generally good at solving the mysteries.
Your heart's desire is also represented by the number 7. It's likely that at times you feel something isn't solved even though it actually is, or feel like you're not as intelligent as you want to be and generally know yourself to be. It's the nature of that particular numerology chart position to yearn. Because desire is such a built-in aspect, the position often doesn't notice when something being yearned for has been accomplished or already exists.
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