Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Changing Numbers and the Right Path

Image for 'Changing Numbers and the Right Path' numerology answer

If you are on the right path and listening to the messages, does the numbers you see change or would you continue to see the exact same number, and is it what's happening and the feeling at that time I'm focusing on. Sorry, I'm just a little confused on a couple of numbers I'm getting cause that aspect has changed majorly. But I'm still seeing the exact same numbers and I'm just not sure now as to what it is I have to focus on. Do your numbers change if your on there right path?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology does not determine if a person is on the right path or on the wrong path. At least not traditional Pythagorean numerology, which is practiced here.

The numbers of several personal numerology chart positions do change. There are various cycles that change every so often. Usually, but not always, when a cycle changes then the cycle number also changes.

I'm uncertain what you are referring to with the concept of numbers you're getting.

If you mean numbers you're seeing, then you're getting them because at the very moment you see them you pay special attention to them. That special attention is what causes you to remember seeing the number.

A person sees lots and lots of numbers. Certain numbers a person remembers seeing. Because those are the only numbers a person remembers seeing, it seems as if they were the only numbers that were seen.

But it's a memory trick. Many more numbers are seen. Few are remembered as being seen.

Generally, a person gives special attention to numbers that somehow have personal meaning or emotional significance. As mentioned earlier, the special attention tends to make a person remember seeing the number.

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