Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Master Numbers and Clock Times
Every time I go to look at the clock the time is whatever hour & then the minutes are ALWAYS a multiple of 11. (11:11, 12:22, 3:44 & so on) It happens so often that I can pretty much call the time every 11 minutes sometimes every hour. This has been happening for about 5 or 6 months now. The number 11 has always been prevalent in my life, my birthday is 7/11, I was born in 1993 & in numerology that reduces to a 22. My dad, my brother & my grandpa all have life path numbers of 11 & my boyfriend has one of 33. I graduated high school in 2011 as well as many many more instances where the number 11 has shown up. I was just wondering if there was any insight that I could gain because the whole thing with the time freaks people out that I can just call it out like that.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
With the several instances of master numbers in your numerology chart, and other instances of those numbers associated with people you have an emotional connection with, there's no wonder your conscious attention is attracted to them. (Your numerology personality number is also the master number 11.)
The 44 and 55 probably are seen as often as they are because of association. They are double numbers like master numbers are.
Wondering about it tends to make the seeing occurrences more frequent. The conscious mind seems to be attracted to whatever is a mystery.
See the article about the potential of master numbers for deeper information about numerology master numbers.
The article about seeing identical digits on the clock is also pertinent.
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