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Seeing 1's and 9's

I am expecting to settle a large medical law suit soon. With that said, I have been dreaming and frequently seeing the number 9. Earlier today I was driving and the odometer had 9's in it as well. I also dreamed about receiving the settlement and could only see the numbers 1 and 9 on the paper. The following night I had a dream that I was arguing with a loved one over money and the amount was 9,000. Also, I went to look at a new home and to my surprise the neighborhood was called"the 9". What could all of this mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 1 resonates with starting things and the number 9 resonates with completing things.

Numerology can be used to describe the essence and meaning of numbers, and to calculate likelihoods and tendencies of a person and events in their life. But I'm not aware of any way to calculate the meanings of or the reasons for seeing or otherwise becoming aware of certain numbers more frequently than one would expect.

Perhaps the articles linked to from the seeing certain numbers index can help you find the answer to why you're seeing and dreaming the number 9 so often.

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