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Seeing My Birthday Constantly

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I am seeing my birthday constantly which is March 11 so I am seeing 113 or 311. I ignored it first but couple of times woke up at night at 3:11 alarmed me may be I shouldn't ignore this. What can it mean. It also has been a worst period of my life losing love of my life.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

During times when a person is searching for answers — even when not searching, but during higher sensitive times it may be more likely — the person may notice a certain number or numbers in their environment.

The number or numbers generally are personal in some way, such as a birth day, numbers with personal meaning or emotional significance.

What happens is that of the many numbers a person sees during the course of a day, one or a very few are remembered as having been seen. The memory of seeing those numbers survives recall because at the moment of seeing the number it was recognized as a number with personal significance. That extra notice makes a memory of seeing the number more likely.

When only certain numbers are remembered, it can seem as if those are the only ones that are being seen. Starting to See Certain Numbers Again and Again has more information about that. And also Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time.

Seeing a certain number, and wondering why or if it might have special meaning, imbues much emotional significance. It is likely that you see 113 or 311 even more.

The reason is that you are sensitive to those numbers. When you see them, you give them extra attention.

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