Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Noticing 123, 1:23, and 11:23 Every Day
I always see 123: wake up I see 1:23, 11:23 when I make purchases $123. Open a book page 123...this happens every day and I started to notice it more starting several years ago.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number 123 is a noticeable number because of the numerical sequence of its digits. Noticeable numbers are remembered when they're seen, but seeing other numbers isn't remembered.
That's the thing. A person sees lots and lots of numbers. Sometimes, seeing a certain one or several numbers is remembered.
The numbers a person remembers seeing are generally numbers with personal meaning, emotional significance or, as in your case, unusual construction or digit sequence.
Because a person only remembers seeing the one or few numbers, it seems to the person that those are the only numbers they see. But it's not true. Just because the other numbers they see aren't remembered doesn't mean they never were seen.
Now, when a person starts thinking that seeing the number again and again must have a meaning, at that point it becomes emotionally significant. And the person remembers more occurrences of the number and remembers it more distinctly.
The Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article describes it in more detail.
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