Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

9, 11, 11:11, and 12:34

[Birth name removed] [birthdate removed] I see 9, 11, 11:11, and 12:34 constantly and whenever I think about [name removed], my son's father... What could this mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There are a few numbers common to both the numbers you're seeing and the numbers in the numerology profile of your son's father.

The 11 in the birthdate is one common aspect. His personality is represented by the number 11. And his life path is represented by the number 9.

Those common aspects may have enough attraction to predispose you to seeing those numbers whenever they exist in your environment at the time you're thinking of your son's father.

I didn't find the number 1234 in your numerology profile, nor in his. Neither the number 12 or the number 34. The sequence 1234 may be a subconscious attempt to put a bit of order into the seeing the other numbers. Your heart's desire and your life path both resonate with the number 8, a number that likes an orderly environment.

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