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Seeing 911 Approximate Two Times a Day

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I've been noticing 9:11 on the clock approx. 2x daily and in other settings (addresses, passcodes, etc. ) for the past few years and I've been curious if there's any possible meaning behind it or if there's a logical explanation like the birthday question. What's your take on 911? Thanks!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I'm uncertain which birthday question you are referring to in relation to the number 911 but, yes, there is a logical explanation. Both the Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article and the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article talk about that.

In essence, you see many numbers, perhaps hundreds of numbers every day. Some of those are remembered.

You tend to remember seeing the numbers you pay more attention to, the ones that you vest with a bit more attention than you do other numbers.

When you see the number 911, for example, you are likely to notice that you're seeing 911 again. That notice causes you to remember seeing it that day, the next day, and perhaps for a long time.

With all those instances of remembering that you saw the number 911 (and not remembering other numbers that you saw), it seems as if you are seeing 911 all the time, or at least more than would be expected. And that can lead to wondering if there is a special personal meaning or reason for it.

It's a memory thing, remembering numbers that were considered worthy of note at the time they were seen, generally numbers with a personal meaning or emotional significance.

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