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Seeing the Number 11 Everywhere
Over the last month I have been seeing the number 11 everywhere, especially on clocks. It always seems to be 11 minutes past. I'm not usually one to read into these things, but I can't seem to help wondering if someone is trying to tell me something?? Hope you can help.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Unfortunately, numerology doesn't come with calculations to determine if someone is trying to deliver a message. But numerology is good with number meanings as related to energies numbers represent.
Wondering if someone is trying to tell you something is likely to be a reason you see 11 so often. The why people see certain numbers all the time article explains why that is so.
The number 11 represents energies that, among other things, are highly intuitive, charismatic, and dynamic. 11 is also a spiritual number. And a numerology master number.
Your first pinnacle cycle number was the number 11. A year and a half ago, your pinnacle cycle number changed. (The new pinnacle cycle number is the number 8, a number of material acquisition and building things of long-lasting value to the public.) There are four pinnacle cycles altogether.
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