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Waking Up At 3:33 AM

I have been waking up at 3:33am and normally I'm terrified when I wake up at this time. It keeps occurring almost every night. I don't know what it mean.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I'm uncertain if you wake up because you're terrified or if you're terrified because the time is 3:33 when you wake up. I'll assume it's fear of the unknown rather than fear of the time 3:33 or the number 333.

333 is a number of philanthropy relating to creative expression and social interaction. It's a fun, outgoing number of tolerance, acceptance, and helpfulness.

For a further understanding of 3:33, see these articles:

If you have any fear of 3:33 or 333, I think the fear is misplaced. It's a positive number.

The only correlation of 333 to your numerology chart that I see is the three letters in your name represented by the number 3 (the letters "l"). Probably that's not enough influence to predispose you to waking up at that time every morning.

However, when it happened and you wondered about it, that could create a predisposition for it happening again. The wondering about it alerts the subconscious that there's a mystery to solve, which may cause you to wake up at that time.

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