Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Seeing 1 and 7 and All Their Combinations

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I have constantly seen for a long time the numbers 1 and 7 and all their combinations, like 11:17, 11:11, 1:07, 17:11 etc. Can this have a meaning? I don't have any other recurrent numbers, except for 2066, which has recurred but only very recently.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It may help to realize that many numbers recur. A person sees lots and lots of numbers as they live life. Many of those repeat. Some repeat more often one day and another repeats more often the next.

It's not entirely random, but similar. In random occurrence, things tend to repeat.

The reason a person assumes that only certain numbers recur is because they only remember those particular recurring numbers.

When a person thinks only certain numbers recur, then the person will be on the lookout for those numbers. When they see such a number, they notice it, perhaps with a mental "Ah, ha!" to go with it. That extra attention ensures the seeing of that number is remembered.

The seeing of other numbers is not remembered, which is why they are not noticed as recurring numbers.

So this is the meaning: The numbers you remember seeing are the numbers you paid special attention to when you saw them.

Maybe there are reasons why you pay special attention to those numbers. But they would be your personal reasons. It's not that the number insists on being remembered, it's that you pay special attention and do your own remembering.

See the Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article for more information about that. And also Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time.

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