Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
12:34 and Full Circle
I believe my lucky number is 8. My drivers license is x8x888xx. For years now the vast majority of time that I see a clock, it reads 2:22, 5:55, 11:11, and here recently I am seeing 12:34. I've read here on your website that 12:34 identifies with "full circle". Please enlighten me on what it is I am experiencing.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your current life period cycle number is the number 8. It's a good number.
A person generally begins seeing certain numbers repetitively, seeing them more often than expected, when the number has personal meaning or emotional significance.
The article titled Seeing Numbers with All the Same Digits provides three reasons why a person may be seeing the same-digit numbers you are seeing.
The meaning of 1234 article talks about why 1234 is a full circle number and then goes on to describe the essence of the energy represented by 1234. There's also the repetitively seeing the same number article index with links to related articles that can be highly beneficial to you.
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