Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
12:34 Every Day, Twice a Day Without Fail
I always look at the clock at 12:34 everyday, twice a day without fail. A couple of years back it was 12:12 or 11:11 or 3:33 etc or 9:11. Is there an explanation behind this?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The meaning of the number 1234 is related to completing a cycle and embarking on a new one. The essence of the number is highly self-determined.
While numerological calculations can be used to help interpret the meaning of numbers, it's unlikely to help in determining the reason for seeing the number.
In other words, I can quickly provide a meaning for the number 1234, but not the reasons you're seeing the number. To attempt it would require first knowing the circumstances and people associated with seeing the number.
Even then, numerology by itself may not be enough. Psychic ability may also be required.
The meanings of individual numbers represented in a numerical progression, as you indicated was your earlier experience, probably have little to do with why you're seeing all those numbers. Each number represents a different meaning. It could quickly get confusing with so many meanings to be considered. The meaning is likely to be in the fact of seeing the progression rather than in the individual numbers being seen.
To help you with determining the reasons for seeing a number, see the index to articles about repetitively seeing numbers, which includes articles about possible meanings for numbers in a progression.
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