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The Number 9:17

Every time I check a clock I see 9:17 and it is also my date of birth. It fell in the lottery a couple weeks ago where I'm from, too. It's has been going on for a few months now and its pretty creepy now. Please help me get an understanding.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 9:17 has a number of correlations with your numerology profile. It is non-surprising to me that your consciousness is attracted to the number.

For discussing the connections between 9:17 and your numerology chart, we'll talk about "9" and "17" separately. Afterward, we'll look at the essence of the number "9:17" by itself.

Connection with the number 9:

The essence of the number 9 contains compassion, idealism, tolerance, and a humanitarian leaning.

Cornerstone — The first letter of your name has a value of 9. This cornerstone number indicates how you tend to approach opportunities and obstacles.

Life Path — Your birth date is used to calculate your life path number, and that number is 9. It indicates the type of events and circumstances you're likely to experience, either repeatedly or consistently, during your life.

Birth Month — Your birth month is the number 9. The fact by itself tends to attract the number into your life.

Life Period Cycle — Your first of three life period cycles is the number 9. This first period cycle lasts until year 2017. The life period cycle number affects the life path number by attracting its own events and circumstances. Because both are the number 9, they enhance each other.

Future influences — The number 9 will occur every 9 years as the personal year number. The personal month number 9 occurs one or twice every year.

Connection with the number 17:

The number 17 reduces to the number 8 (1+7=8). Both numbers correlate with your numerology chart.

The number 17 relates to taking the initiative to build something of lasting value, after thinking the project through.

The essence of the number 8 has to do with business, building, realism, efficiency, and balance.

The number 17 is located in two places of your numerology profile.

  1. Personality Number — The personality number is derived from the letter values of the consonants of your name. In your case, the number is 98. When reduced, 98 becomes 17 and 17 becomes 8. Thus:

    9+8 = 17
    1+7 = 8
  2. Birth Day — Your birth day is the 17th.

Here are the correlations with 17/8 I see in your numerology chart.

Personality Number — The personality number shows how you tend to present yourself in public and when meeting a new person. The personality number also indicates how you see yourself when you are by yourself at rest, just you and your dreams.

The number 8 personality appears friendly, self-controlled, and persuasive; a powerful personality that attracts respect. When quiescent, your thoughts and pleasure tend to be of vibrant businesses with you as the executive and your professional staff taking care of the details.

Birth Day — Your birth day is the number 17. The fact by itself tends to attract the number into your life.

Pinnacle Cycle — The first of your four pinnacle cycles is the number 8. The first cycle lasts until year 2017.

The pinnacle cycle influences a person's feelings, inclinations, attractions, and perception of self.

Future influences — The third pinnacle cycle, from year 2026 to year 2035, and the second life period cycle, from year 2017 to year 2044, are also the number 8. In addition, the number 8 will occur every 9 years as the personal year number. The personal month number 8 occurs one or twice every year.

The Number 9:17

The number 9:17 resonates with the number 8 in the sense of business, efficiency, building, balance, and realism. The essence of 9:17 has those elements of the 8 essence, but also includes a tendency to lean toward doing things that benefit mankind rather than only the self or the immediate community.

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