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See Numbers and Unsure if the Universe is Trying to Communicate
Recently, I have been seeing the time 11:11 on the clock very often and also 14:14, even on telephone numbers. I notice 1111 at the end and also saw 21:12. I am not sure if the universe is trying to communicate or not, but I am going through a very tough time where I am not if my decisions are right for my future. So could you please advice me on why I might be seeing these numbers?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Probably you're seeing the numbers because of two things, you're looking for answers and unique number combinations attract your attention.
A person sees many numbers during the course of a day. The ones they remember generally have a unique quality. The ones you're seeing have mirror digits.
Other people might remember numbers that have personal meaning, like birth date, or numbers that have an emotional significance.
The numbers a person remembers seeing previously are the numbers that attract special attention when they're seen again. The other numbers generally aren't remembered.
So, the numbers you remember seeing seem to be the only ones you do see. That's in spite of the fact that logically you know you've seen many numbers.
In case you're curious, here are links to the meaning of the energy represented by the numbers you remember seeing:
- The number 11:11 (same meaning as 1111).
- The number 14:14.
- The number 2112.
Remembering seeing those numbers might or might not have to do with the universe trying to communicate. Numerology doesn't have calculations to determine that. Perhaps, learning the meaning of the numbers you remember seeing will help you determine the answer for yourself.
Here is more important information about the subject of your question: The article Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again and also the article Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time.
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