Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
01:23 for Almost a Year
I would say it's been almost a year since I started having this experience where I look at the clock when it's 01:23, even send messages to my boyfriend. On more than 3 or 4 occasions, sent him text same time with out knowing it is that time. I am really curious. I feel like God is trying to talk to me and am missing out on messages. Help, please. Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
During my years of answering numerology questions, I've noticed that repetitively seeing the same number isn't uncommon, especially on clocks. Questions asking about sequential numbers (such as 01:23, 12:34, 4:56, etc.), repeated numbers (such as 11:11, 10:10, 3:33, etc.), and numbers representing the person's birth date are fairly common.
However, it feels special for each person. Especially if they wonder if it contains special meaning for them.
When a person wonders about it, then they tend to see the number more often, and clearly remember the fact. A person's attention tends to focus on things that need to be understood, things that are a mystery. See the repetitively seeing certain numbers index page for several articles that attempt to explain how it works and talk about inherent personal messages.
The more the number is seen, the more the person wonders, the deeper the mystery becomes, and the more the number is seen. Oftentimes, the person will subconsciously do things or precipitate events at the specific time being wondered about — the time draws itself to itself the way like attracts like.
Note that your life path number is the number 6, the same number that 01:23 reduces to (0+1+2+3=6), which may play a part in you seeing 01:23 as much as you do. The number 6,, among other things, resonates with religious, philosophical, and other life-related beliefs.
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