Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
I Keep Seeing 1:11, 7:19, 9:11, and 11:11
I keep seeing 1:11, 7:19, 9:11, and 11:11. Over and over and over. I just left the Christian faith after being heavily involved in the supernatural side of things. I see these more than anything. What is the significance?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
In a moment, I'll provide information about the numerology meanings of the numbers you're seeing. First, let me mention your destiny number.
Your destiny number is the number 7, a number of introspection with an inclination to analyze mysteries. 7 has a scientific inclination, yet is interested in spiritual phenomena.
That may be part of the reason you sense there is significance to seeing those numbers. A likely reason you keep on seeing those numbers is because they present a mystery — your conscious attention is drawn to them when they're present in your environment.
The articles linked from the seeing numbers again and again index page may help you determine whether or not the fact of seeing the numbers has a special significance for you.
The number 1 is a number of beginnings. The number 9 is one of conclusions. And the number 19 is a number of a full cycle, beginning to conclusion.
The number 7 we already talked about. The number 11 is a spiritual number, somewhat like the seven is, except the 7 tends to analyze and the 11 tends to accept (if it feels right) without questioning.
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