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The Number 23 As Seconds

I often see the number 23 as seconds on the clock, can be any hour number but frequently look at clock when the seconds are 23, what does this mean. Is it quardian angel messages or some other meaning or reason it keeps happening?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I can't comment about guardian angel messages because it isn't an area of my expertise. But I can respond with information about the numerological meaning of 23.

The basic meaning of the number 23 is the expression of personal freedom. There are also other elements that make up the energy resonance that the number 23 represents, such as curiosity, romance, creativity, and adventure.

You may be interested in the What Numbers Really Mean In Our Lives information.

As to why you're seeing the number 23 so often, it may be because you wonder if it's a message or has some meaning personal to you. You see, when you wonder about things like that, it sets up a mystery that the subconscious mind is on the lookout to solve until you're satisfied you have the answer or other mysteries crowd this one out.

With a mystery, the subconscious directs the conscious attention to the subject of the mystery whenever it can. Then you see it even oftener, and wonder about it even more. See Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time for an explanation of why that is.

By the way, there are 23 letters in your name. That may be enough attraction to have made you remember seeing 23 when you first started seeing it. It's the only place where I found 23 in your numerology chart.

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