Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
34 and 43
Hi, for several years now, I have been seeing the number 34, or 43 constantly on clocks, statistics, internet browsing, license plates, and many other unusual places. The appearance of the number(s) first came when me and a good friend of mine, [name and birth date removed] began noticing certain coincidences surrounding our lives. From there we started a precedent of discussing about philosophical ideas, dreams, psychology, apocalyptic theories, conspiracies, and paranormal/otherworldly topics to great depths. Ever since, the number 34/43 has been seen by both him and me. Several months ago, it came to a point where I really felt like I was stalked by this number, seeing it well over 15 times in half a day. It's presence has died down significantly but it's still prevalent. We've continued our fascination with these things even today, yet we still don't fully understand what it means. On a side note, I've recently been seeing the number 66 coming up a lot more frequently, if that means anything. I really do appreciate any guidance on what this number might entail for me, as well as my friend.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
When all the numbers of your birth date are added together, the total is 34. The birth date is associated with a person's life path.
When the numerical value of all of the vowels of your name are added together, the total is 34. The vowels of a name are associated with the heart's desire.
It is sometimes the case for the reverse number to appear seemingly as frequently as the number of interest. Your noticing both 34 and 43 more often than random distribution would answer is not unexpected.
The number 34 reduces to the number 7.
3+4 = 7
The 7 is a number of introspection, finding answers within oneself, connection to ancient wisdom, and tends to have an affinity for both science and metaphysics.
When the 7 is composed of the 3 and the 4, artistic expression (the 3) and paying attention to detail (the 4) are intermingled with the vibration of the 7.
When the numbers of your friend's birth date are added together, the total is 34, like yours. His vowels number is different, but you do share the same life path number.
This may be of interest in response you seeing the number 66. When the values of all the letters of your friend's name are added together, the total is 66. The total letters of the name is associated with destiny, how people express their existence.
Both you and your friend's destiny numbers reduce to the single digit 3, a number of artistic expression and social interaction. His is derived from the number 66 and yours from the number 156. Here is how the digit 3 is determined:
6+6 = 12, then 1+2 = 3 1+5+6 = 12, then 1+2 = 3
The number 34 has an innate resonance to the subjects you mentioned you and your friend discuss in depth. You have the same life path number. And both of your destinies resonate with the innate creativity of the number 3.
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