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I Keep Seeing the Number 21

I keep seeing the number 21. It has been about a month now. Everyday, whether it be looking at the time, the tv channel, a house address.... I see the number 21 alone, or with other numbers. ie. 7:21, 11:21, 12:21, 2:21, 10:21. etc. This happens constantly throughout the day. I cannot help but feel that it is a message to me, as my life is a little hectic at the moment. Please, I would like help in deciphering these occurrences. Thank you very much for your time and help, I very much appreciate it. Peace and Love...

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

For personal meaning, the articles linked at the index to repetitively seeing certain numbers may help.

I don't see the number 21 in your numerology chart. But I can talk about the meaning of the number.

The numerology meaning of the number 21 includes creative self-expression. The energy represented by the number 21 also (among other things) cherishes relationships, but not at the cost of creativity.

Seeing the same number much more often than would seem normal can be aggravated by the very mystery the seeing creates and perpetuates.

The subconscious is compelled to solve mysteries. Thus, it asserts itself to make the consciousness aware of it whenever the number is available in the environment, perhaps assuming the consciousness can better solve the mystery with more data to consult.

The consciousness, seeing the number yet again, typically intensifies the mystery rather than resolving it.

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