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What Does Seeing 43 Mean?

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Hi, I have been seeing the number 43 for past 2 months constantly on clocks, statistics, internet browsing, license plates, and many other unusual places. I was wondering if you can let me know what is that suppose to mean. It's really weird.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

If you are asking about the meaning of the number, the numerology number 43 represents energy that resonates with, among other things, introspection and thinking things through. (The number 43 resonates with your heart's desire number, the number 7.)

If you are asking about the meaning of seeing the number it means you remember seeing the number.

You see other numbers, too. I'm virtually certain of that.

But you remember seeing the number 43.

There are a number of reasons a person might remember seeing a certain number and not remember seeing others. Primarily, the reason is that there is something about the number that makes it notable.

Perhaps there is an personal significance or an emotional connection. Or perhaps the number is associated with an event or thought or person.

What it comes down to is that you see the number 43 and you note that you are seeing it. You remember seeing that number because you spend an extra amount of attention on that number that you do not spend on other numbers. It helps to stick it in memory.

I realize it can seem weird when it is looked at as seeing a certain number repeatedly. Yet, when the view is broadened and it is realized that you see many, many numbers, but only remember this one, it becomes a different point of view.

The point of view now is to determine why the number is notable, not why you are seeing it (you are seeing it because it is notable).

Free will is outside the scope of numerology, so it is up to you to determine why 43 is notable for you — or to decide it is no longer important.

It was mentioned earlier that the number 43 resonates with your heart's desire number. The heart's desire is a core number. But there are other core numbers and you don't remember seeing numbers that resonate with them. So I think, in this case, the fact that 43 resonates with a core number is a coincidence rather than a significance to consider.

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