Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing 9/23 for Three Months, Morning and Evening
I just read on this site something similar to my question- My Birthday is 9/23 and for over the past 3 months, morning and evening, consistently when looking at the clock it has been 9/23- getting a little weird- Am I to read something into this or just coincidence- it has been way too consistent to me to be coincidence, however, so are there other factors I should be looking for?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, there is one more thing to be aware of. When a person has attention on something or a concept (such as specific numbers), they generally remember it when they see it.
Out of all the number they see every day, they only remember seeing that particular number or set of numbers.
In other words, it's a remembering issue instead of a seeing issue. The question becomes "why am I remembering this?" rather than "why am I seeing this?".
A person remembers seeing certain numbers when they note something about that number that they don't note when they see other numbers. Generally, the remembered numbers have a personal meaning that the person consciously notes (like your birthday numbers), or the numbers have an emotional significance that is consciously noted ("our anniversary" or "there, I see that number again!").
That conscious notice of certain numbers makes them more likely to be remembered.
When a person wonders why they saw a certain number (even though they saw many other numbers, too, but don't remember it), then the wondering makes seeing the number an emotionally significant event. And they tend to remember it more often when they see that particular number again.
The emotional significance can become so pronounced that the person's awareness is attracted to situations and times where their number or set of numbers are located or will be located. Where they then see the numbers, note the fact to themselves, and remember seeing them.
Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time has more information about how that works.
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