Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Constantly Surrounded by Number 7
I am nowadays constantly surrounded by number 7; I booked a bike on my name and it has number 7 twice; opened my bank account its last digit is 7. Automated debit pin generated has 7. My flat number which is on my moms name totals up to 7. And almost wherever I go though I don't specifically notice it but I get to see number 7. I mean I get to see number 7 almost every time. It automatically gets associated to me in whatever I buy or I see. Most of the times I see my watch it has repeated digits.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, when you are sensitized to a certain number, you'll see it more than you see other numbers. Actually, that's not necessarily correct. It's that you remember seeing that certain number more than you remember seeing other numbers.
A person generally becomes sensitized to seeing a certain number at the moment they wonder if seeing it has a special meaning.
The bike number, bank account number, flat number, debit pin, they also have other digits. But you don't remember them; you only remember the digit 7.
The 7 can be found in lots and lots of places. 10% of the digits in your environment are the digit 7 if you go by natural distribution. And, if you add numbers up especially to find the number 7, you'll find it a lot.
There would be a similar effect if you were sensitized to 5 or 3 or any other single-digit number.
The number 7 is your heart's desire number, which may have predisposed you to start seeing the number. It's also the number of your first two pinnacle cycles. But it's the wondering about it that sensitizes a person to the number and causes them to remember it more than they remember seeing other numbers.
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