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9:11 Everywhere

I've been seeing the number 9:11 everywhere since I've been about 10, about 9 years before the twin towers so it has nothing to do with it. Just wondering if anyone knows if its significant with anything. I looked on the internet but nothing about it :/

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Well, your current pinnacle and life period cycles are both the number 11. In three years, your life period cycle becomes a number 9. (Your pinnacle number also changes that year, but not to either 9 or 11.) Other than those, I see no special significance for 9:11 in your name and birth date numbers.

Among other things, the number 9 resonates with humanity as a whole more than other numbers do. 9 wants to support any causes that help humanity. 9 is also creative and can use drama effectively.

Among other things, the number 11 resonates with spiritual teaching. The number 11 reduces to the number 2, which is a number of teamwork and diplomacy.

9:11 has a similar resonance to the number 11. Spiritual teaching, but with an "all of humanity" slant.

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