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26 Significance


I was born on April 26, my son December 26, my sister August 26. A very significant negative thing occurred to me on Feb 26 this year, Chernobyl was April 26, Tsunami was December 26 — can somebody please tell me why 26 is so significant for me and my life?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The 2 is a number of cooperation, relationships, and diplomacy. The 6 is a number of family, caretaking, safety, and harmony.

26 reduces to the number 8, a number of great works, controlling environments, and finances. In this case, the 8 is based on the 2 and the 6.

The number 8 is sometimes hard to live up to, especially when personal education is not sufficient to be effective in the chosen arenas. In such cases, negative aspects of the vibration can manifest, one where things are destroyed, environments made nearly untenable, finances ruined.

Whether positive or negative, when the 8 is based on 26, the effects will have an effect on relationships and the ability to take care of loved ones.

Without your birth year or your name as it was first recorded at birth, the above is only speculation. But maybe it will help.

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