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Guides and Twin Flames and 11s
I'm incredibly confused about signs I'm getting from my guides and hoping you can help clear things up for me. I recently met a man at my local dog park and we became fast friends. After a few months of getting to know each other, we started dating and I immediately began to see the numbers 11:11 and 1:11 everywhere when I was with him or speaking to him. We even hung up a call after talking for 1:11:11. From what I've researched, all signs indicate that he is my twin flame and our connection feels very deep so I do think it's possible. We've even said it feels like we knew each other in previous lives. The problem is that he wasn't honest with me and was engaged to someone else the entire time. After taking some time apart from her, he's now decided that she's the one for him and is moving forward with the wedding. I'm doing everything I can to move but we now have the same group of friends from the park and I encounter him often. And when I do, I still see the numbers. It's incredibly difficult to see him knowing we probably are twin flames but will never be together. Is it possible my guides are trying telling me something else? Or are they just confirming we are?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Pythagorean numerology (practiced at this website) has no calculations about personal guides nor about twin flames. But I can talk about numbers.
Generally, when people keep seeing a certain number or numbers, it's a remembering. They remember seeing the numbers. Many other numbers are seen, just not remembered as easily.
The reason a person remembers seeing certain numbers is because those numbers are significant to them. If the numbers were not significant to the person, then they would not be remembered, just like all the other numbers they see are not remembered.
A number is remembered when there is a mental note or a thought about it at the moment the number is seen. That thought can be sufficient to keep the number in memory.
Examples: Some people keep seeing their birthday. Others, their high score on a test. And some people remember it when they see a number of unusual construction (like "1234").
The more you wonder what seeing them might mean, the more personal significance you attach to the numbers — and the more you remember seeing them.
It's not the numbers telling you something. It's you telling the numbers they mean something, and then wondering what that meaning might be. Yet, the only objective meanings numerology numbers have is interpretations of the energy they represent.
Here are links to read about these numerology numbers:
- The number 11.
- The number 1:11.
- The number 11:11.
- The number 1:11:11.
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