Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

1's and 4's Everywhere

I have been seeing 1's and 4's everywhere, in all types of combinations, 111, 444, 411, 1144, etc. What does this mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In your numerology chart, the number 1 is listed twice as a challenge number. Issues about starting things and things related to self-sufficiency and independence keep coming up to be dealt with.

The first letter of your name is also a numerology number 1 letter. This helps you deal with the related challenging issues that do come up.

The number 4 is in your numerology chart at the destiny position. In other words, it's your name number. You tend to be responsible, someone who readily follows proven procedures, and is working at building a firm foundation for the future.

The number 4 is also your current numerology life cycle number (until 2034). This provides assistance to actually accomplish what your destiny number urges you to accomplish.

That is a brief description of what the 1 and 4 mean according to numerology.

As to why you're seeing those numbers so much, I can only speculate.

Because the numbers are present in your numerology chart may be the predominate reason. A person's attention does seem to drift toward things found in the numerology chart.

The reason may also (or exclusively) have to do with a message for you, perhaps from your subconscious. This speculation is not the realm of numerology, just my own personal contribution. The message may be to overcome whatever challenges you face and get to doing something substantial for your future.

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