Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing Numbers With Repetitive Digits
Hi, my name is [name removed]. I have been seeing the numbers 10:10 1:11 11:11 2:22 3:33 4:44 5:55 etc. I have only just found out about numerology but I have always been into spiritual stuff so I wanted to get your opinion as I have been reading peoples questions and what you have wrote in response to those questions. I recently Asked my guardian angel Ruby to talk to me through these numbers and I feel like she does considering I see these numbers when I'm sad, fighting with my boyfriend or before or after the fight and when I smoke weed, its like she's telling me I'm being naughty :). Or I see them randomly through out the day EVERY day. Can you help? Thank You :)
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
A person remembers seeing those things that are on a person's mind or that are unusual.
The numbers you remember seeing are unusual because they contain repetitive digits. The 10:10 is somewhat different than the others because it is a duplicate number (10) rather than duplicate digits.
Your destiny number is the master number 11. The energy it represents includes, among other things, an inclination to relate experiences with their spiritual aspects. This may bring a predilection for finding the meanings of things.
When a person remembers seeing certain numbers and then wonders if it means something, now it's on their mind. And when it's on a person's mind, a person is more likely to notice the numbers when they're somewhere in their environment to be seen and remember seeing them.
Guardian angels have no related calculations in traditional numerology. But perhaps the above will help.
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