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Seeing the Number 11 on the Clock All the Time
Hello, I been seeing 10:11, 11:01: 11:10, 11:11 all the time. If I tried not to look at the clock somebody around me comes and showing there mobile about something exactly on the clock time I mentioned above. I don't know what's happening to me and what does it means. Also, when I am confused about something I will ask the time for its opinions, for example, if I am confused about buying a black or white t-shirt I will ask the time shall I buy black one and I will look at the time if it ends with even number I will buy the black or in case if it ends with odd number I will go with white. This is just an example to make you guys understand. I am successful by taking decisions in this way. Would you please explain to me what's happening and if anybody experiencing anything similar.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Asking time for opinions and making decisions based on time's opinions is outside the realm of numerology, at least traditional Pythagorean numerology. Perhaps a spiritualist, psychic, or tarot reader can help you with that part.
One reason a person keeps seeing the same number or similar numbers all the time, however, is related to memory.
A person sees many numbers during the course of the day. You didn't mention whether or not you ever looked at the time when it didn't contain the number 11 (10:14 for example), so I assume you do.
Of the many numbers you see on the clock, you remember the ones that contain the number 11.
The reason you remember those instances is because the number 11 is given special attention at the moment you see it. Something about it is notable. Maybe the number has a personal meaning or an emotional significance.
You remember seeing it because the number 11 is notable and you give it special attention when you see it on the clock. And you don't remember seeing other times.
Because times with the number 11 are the only times you remember seeing, it seems as if you see it all the time. In reality, it's not all the time; it just seems that way.
There may be significance to the number 11 that is personal to you and outside the realm of numerology. That is, of course, possible. If true, it is the most likely reason you pay special attention to the number 11 when you see it on the clock, especially as you assign such extraordinary personal power to time.
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