Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

The Number 444 Haunts Me

Image for 'The Number 444 Haunts Me' numerology answer

My son was supposed to be born on [date removed] That day I was put in the hospital at 5am that morning. I was in labor almost 24 whole hours. He arrived on [date removed] at 4:44am. Ever since that day the number 444 haunts me. I see it multiple times a day every day in everything, phone numbers, vehicle license plates, prices, the time. What does this mean- is it good or is it bad or what. I'm so lost and confused when it comes to this please please help me and thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 444 has a personal meaning to you, an emotional significance.

Therefore, whenever you see the number 444 you give it more attention than you do when you see other numbers, at least sufficient to notice that it is indeed the number 444.

When specific things are given more attention than other things of the same category, they are more likely to be remembered.

Therefore, you remember seeing the number 444 but don't remember seeing other numbers.

It is neither good nor bad, just a memory trick. It happens that you remember seeing the very thing that is mentally or emotionally important to you.

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