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The Number 11 For a Year

For about a year now I see 11s everywhere, more so in the time as in 4.11 8.11 and so on. I see it a lot everywhere else also though, number plates, receipts, at work I see it as the total price at the end or the change I'm supposed to give. The past 6 months or so it's gotten a lot more frequent. I'm just curious as to what this could mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

None of the major numbers of your numerology chart are the number 11. Therefore, it's unlikely that your seeing 11 so frequently is influenced by your chart.

11 is a spiritual number. Also intuitive, among other characteristics. You'll find out more at the number 11 page.

There are some articles linked at the "seeing numbers repetitively" page that may provide clues as to what seeing 11 so often could mean.

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