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My Favorite Number Is 7
I've been seeing the #34 a lot, especially on the clocks, I see it on receipts, sometimes I read a magazine and it will be on page 34. My favorite number is 7, I have 2 7's on my birthday, my grandmother passed away the same day I was born & I was given her exact same name. I have 3 daughters one born on 2-5-[redacted], which also has a 7 by adding 2+5 her name is [redacted], which also have 7 letters, the second one was born on 7-[redacted], she also has a 7, her name is [redacted], my 3rd one was born on [redacted]-25-2007, which she also has 2 7's and her name is [redacted], which has 7 letters also. Although I don't feel scared that I always see it, I feel like someone is trying to say something to me. I am also very intuitive, my youngest sister had a baby [redacted] & her due date was 6-23-[redacted], but one day I had a strong intuition that her baby was going to be born on 6-25 and she was, which also has a 7. Is there any meaning behind this, or is it just me, but my intuition says no, there's something else.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
First, let me mention that your name and your birth date are both the numerology number 11.
The numerology number 11 is a spiritual number. It is inventive, has high ideals, is a teacher, has tact, is kind, and tends to have good balance of physical and spiritual energies. The numerology number 11 is the most intuitive of all the single-digit and master numbers.
The numerology name number represents the characteristics of a person. The numerology birth date number represents the life path or events a person experiences.
Now, let's talk about the number 7.
In numerology, the number 7 is intellectual, intuitive, lover of natural beauty, spiritual, often prefers solitude, and usually has access to the wisdom of the ancients. It is a number of higher awareness and seeking ever more wisdom.
Your numerology heart's desire number is 7.
The heart's desire number is calculated from the vowels of a person's name. It represents what the person really really wants. Down deep, in the gut, wants. Perhaps analytically suppressed, but still there.
Congratulations on spotting the 7's in your your children's birth dates. And the 7 in 34. Notice your own birth date, too – you were born during the 7th month of the year.
A 7 heart's desire is about as perfect as it can get for an 11 birth date and 11 name. So long as you live with a positive attitude, the essence of those numbers will serve you well. Negative attitude doesn't mix very well with 7 or 11.
One thing about a numerology heart's desire is that it is a desire. If fulfilled, the desire would no longer be there. Yet, the desire must be there, because it is part of the name.
One thing about the numerology number 7 is it's continued search for more wisdom.
Thus, the numerology 7 heart's desire can have it's reward even though it will forever be seeking more wisdom.
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