Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Combination Numbers

Image for 'Combination Numbers' numerology answer

What are the combination number of 11 11, 11 13, 11 23, 11 29, 11 3?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In numerology, numbers represent numerology energy. The energy can be interpreted, by itself, but it may be more useful to interpret the energy according to what the numbers are associated with. The numbers you list could all be calendar days in November, for example, in which case the interpretations would be slanted according to their association.

For combinations such as your list, without an association, each of the combination numbers can be interpreted and then the number resulting from all of them together.

As an example, the 11 11 combination: The number 11 energy has an interpretation and also the number 1111.

As a second example, the 11 13 combination: The number 11 energy has an interpretation, the number 13 has an interpretation. And the number 1113 has an interpretation.

Doing it that way, you will be exposed to meanings of the individual numbers and the combination of the numbers.

Perhaps it will answer the question you have in mind when you slant the interpretations according to what the numbers are associated with.

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