Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing the Number 5 in Odd Places
Once in a while I see the number 5 in odd places can be in food, on a cigarette butt, on the wall, on signs, I see it especially when I am about to make a good or bad decision. Is this a sign? Also my family altogether are 5. 3 boys husband and I. It became my favorite number since I see it all the time. Another thing is number 3 I always hang up things on wall in 3's. I sleep with 3 pillows. I have 3 boys. I own 3 vehicles only 1 is running. I have 3 male dogs. I can go on and on. I have 5,3,2's in my numerology chart.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
When your name was typed into the form, there was an indication that it wasn't your birth name, but a name your mother gave you immediately afterward. Because there is uncertainty there, I'll respond to your question using only numbers calculated from your birth date.
Your life path is the number 5. That may pre-dispose you for an affinity for the number.
A person sees many numbers during the course of a day. When a person sees numbers with personal meaning, emotional significance, or unusual composition, they tend to be remembered.
Therefore, you remember the number 5. Not only is it your life path number, it also represents the number of individuals in your family and has other significant meanings you mentioned.
So it's no wonder you remember seeing the number whenever you notice it.
Wondering if it's a sign will almost certainly make you see the number more often. Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time describes how and why a person tends to notice certain numbers in the environment they might not have noticed before, and remember seeing a number they might not otherwise have remembered, just because they wonder if seeing the number might somehow contain a special message or sign for them personally.
Signs of that nature are outside the realm of traditional numerology. So numerology can't be used to confirm or rule out it being a sign.
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