Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
311 For Two Years
I have been seeing 311 over 2 yrs now....not voluntarily seeking it. Not sure what that means or if nothing ...but it haunts me! It seems I'm not alone in this.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The energies the number 311 represents are similar to those represented by the number 5, which is your personality number.
311 has a bit more creative expression than 5 and the 5 acts a bit more on whim than does 311. However, the two numbers are highly compatible.
The personality number is an outwardly expressive numerology chart position. Because 311 resonates so well with your personality number, it may be one reason you keep seeing it. But probably not the only reason.
The personality/311 resonance may have predisposed you to seeing the number the first few times. After you wondered about why you keep seeing the number, it's likely that the mystery itself kept your (perhaps subconscious) attention on the lookout for more instances and, thus, seeing 311 whenever it was in your environment to see.
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