Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Numbers After Separation
I was in a marriage I thought was challenging based on my husband's busy job but we were both working hard and happily together with our children till my husband left me 4 month ago said he wanted to end the marriage. He filed divorce soon within 3 months since the first day of separation, while I was still trying to work things out for our marriage. During this process, I have been constantly seeing certain numbers: first with 444 and 333 during first couple months of separation, 555 ( especially the week before the summon arrived), and then 1111, 1234, 1222, 1221, 717 repeatedly almost everyday since I got the summon. It's been almost a month. I realized that these numbers have meanings and are carrying messages to me related to the separation and divorce, but I am not quite sure what they means specifically.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I'm able to talk about the numerology meaning of numbers. Unfortunately, however, reliable numerology calculations aren't available for determining personal meanings that might be associated with seeing certain numbers.
Perhaps the numerology meanings will provide clues you can use.
The meanings I mention here are succinct and not at all complete. Follow the links to read more.
The number 4 is about focus and building a secure foundation. The number 444 is about creative expression. Creative expression is also the number 3. The number 333 is a number of humanity and tolerance.
The number 5 is about expression of personal freedom and the number 555 is about family.
The number 1 is about being self-sufficient and the number 1111 is about focus and building a secure foundation. The number 1234 is about being self-sufficient.
The number 1222, on the other hand, is about introspection, which is also the resonance of the number 7, your life path number.
The number 1221 and the number 717 are both about family.
Perhaps those will let you make sense of the numbers you're seeing.
Seeing certain numbers repeatedly may lead a person to assume there is a personal message associated with the repetition. But it may be a false premise. It's possible, perhaps probable, that the numbers are seen repeatedly because it's wondered what they mean and, because of the mystery, the conscious attention is pulled to the number whenever it's in the environment available to be seen.
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