Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
The Numbers on the Mirror
I have a friend who took a shower, when she got out, written on the mirror was three sets of numbers. 12-42-504 What does this mean? She was very scared and I am just trying to get more info on these numbers.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I'll assume the name and birthdate you provided are your friend's. If they are your own, then disregard the parts of this response that correlate the numbers on the mirror with the numerology profile numbers.
In numerology, numbers represent certain vibes, certain energies.
The number 12 has to do with creative self expression. The number 42 has to do with home and harmony. The number 504 has to do with tolerance and humanitarianism. And the energies the number 1242504 represents also resonate with tolerance and human welfare.
A revealing aspect of the mirror numbers is the fact that they represent the three triad numbers 3, 6, and 9. This is how those are revealed:
Every multi-digit number can be mathematically reduced to its basic single-digit resonance. Add together the digits of the multi-digit number. If the result is more than 9, add those digits together. Keep doing that until the result is a single digit.
Like this:
1+2=3 4+2=6 5+0+4=9
See the index to number meanings page for articles describing the numbers. When no article is available for a specific number, the any number calculator can be used.
The number 9 can be viewed as the completion number, the number that represents the completion of a cycle. Both the number 369 and the number 1242504 reduce to the number 9:
3+6+9=18; 1+8=9 1+2+4+2+5+0+4=18; 1+8=9
Here is how the numbers on the mirror correlate with the numerology profile created from the name and birthdate provided when the question was asked.
We'll use the triad numbers, the numbers the three sets of numbers can be reduced to.
3: (a) The number of the current life period cycle, a cycle that will end at year 2018. (b) The number of the pinnacle cycle which will begin at year 2018.
6: The destiny number.
9: The life path number.
The number on the mirror are good. Nothing to be scared of, insofar as the numbers themselves are concerned.
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